#1 Microsoft Activation tool

KMS Auto Net Windows Activator

Activate Windows 11, 10 and Microsoft Office products using KMSauto net.


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KMS Activator for

Activate Windows 11
Activate Windows 10
Microsoft Word
Activate Microsoft PowerPoint
Activate Microsoft Excel
Activate Microsoft 365
Windows Activation With KMS

About KMSauto Activator

Activate your Windows and Office

Activates Wide range of Microsoft Products
Easy and fast activation
Free and Safe
Lifetime Activation

How KMSauto Activator Works

Our vision is to make Windows and Office activation a hassle-free process for everyone, with our user-friendly KMS Auto.

KMS Specialization

Efficient KMSauto tool for Windows and Office activation

Our values:

User-Friendly KMS
Our KMS Tools are designed to be simple and easy to use, even for those with limited technical knowledge.
Quality Assurance
We have strict quality control measures in place to ensure that our KMS Tools are of the highest quality.
Free Windows And MS Office Activation

Widnows 10


Windows 11


Microsoft Excel

Successful activate your Windows and Office products with our powerful KMSauto Activator.


Microsoft Word




KMSauto Reviews

KMS Guide

How to Activate your Windows and Microsoft Office using KMSauto Activator

About Windows, Office Activator - KMSauto

KMSAuto is a tool that activates Microsoft Windows and Office products using Key Management Service (KMS). It’s commonly used to activate software across a network without connecting each computer to Microsoft for individual activation. KMSAuto automates this process, simplifying the activation of Microsoft software on multiple machines.

Origin and Purpose

KMSAuto is designed for legal activation of Microsoft software in situations involving large volume licensing. This is particularly beneficial for small businesses or educational institutions that lack a dedicated KMS server but possess legitimate volume license keys.

Creation and History

KMSAuto was developed by Russian developers in the early 2010s and has since gained popularity in online communities that explore software activation methods and tools.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Using KMS technology to activate Microsoft products is legitimate. However, employing tools like KMSAuto without proper licensing agreements is illegal. Microsoft frequently updates its software to prevent unauthorized activations, highlighting the ongoing conflict between software producers and unauthorized users.

Impact and Reception

KMSAuto is favored in scenarios where users aim to bypass standard activation processes due to its effectiveness and ease of use in evading activation requirements. This popularity has attracted criticism and legal scrutiny as it facilitates software piracy, which is both illegal and unethical.

The use of such software is a contentious issue, leading to significant debates over intellectual property rights, software licensing, and the ethical implications of bypassing software activation. Microsoft and other software publishers are actively combating the misuse of activation technologies through legal actions and software updates to mitigate any exploitable aspects of their systems.

System Requipments

Operating SystemWindows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
ProcessorAny processor that can run the supported OS versions
RAMMinimum 256 MB
Disk SpaceAt least 100 MB of free space
Administrative RightsRequired to run the tool
Additional Requirements.NET Framework 4 or higher (if not already installed)

Important Notes

  1. Legal Use: Be aware of the legal implications of using such tools. It’s meant for testing and educational purposes.
  2. Security Software: Antivirus and security programs might flag KMSAuto as a threat. This is typical for tools of this nature.
  3. Connectivity: An internet connection is not required but might be necessary for downloading updates or configurations.

How KMSauto works

KMSAuto sets up a fake server on your computer that acts like Microsoft’s real activation service. Here’s a simple explanation of how it does this:

  1. Creates a Fake Server:

    • Local Server: KMSAuto starts a service on your computer that pretends to be Microsoft’s activation server.
    • Changes Settings: It changes your computer’s settings so that when software like Windows tries to check if it is genuine, it asks this fake server instead of Microsoft.
  2. Activates the Software:

    • Sends Fake Proof: When your software checks if it is genuine, the fake server sends back a “yes” answer.
    • Keeps It Going: This “yes” only lasts for 180 days, but KMSAuto automatically renews it so you don’t need to do anything.

Example of How KMSAuto Works

Here’s a simplified example of what KMSAuto does behind the scenes:

echo "Setting up a simulated Local KMS Server..."

# Step 1: Install Local KMS Server
# Simulate responses expected from an official Microsoft KMS server
function setupKMS() {
    echo "Local KMS Server setup initiated..."
    # This line is purely illustrative
    simulate_kms_response --install --port 1688

# Step 2: Modify Registry Settings
# Redirect Windows activation checks from Microsoft's server to the local server
function modifyRegistry() {
    echo "Modifying registry to redirect activation checks..."
    # The following registry commands are placeholders
    reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d localhost /f
    reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d 1688 /f

# Step 3: Handle Activation Request
# Simulate the reception of a genuine activation request and send a positive response
function activateWindows() {
    echo "Handling activation request..."
    # Simulate sending and receiving activation data
    simulate_kms_response --activate

# Step 4: Schedule Automatic Renewal
# Create a scheduled task that repeats the activation process every 179 days
function scheduleRenewal() {
    echo "Scheduling automatic renewal..."
    # This is a simplification; real tasks would be more complex
    echo "0 0 */179 * * root /path/to/this/script.sh" >> /etc/crontab

# Step 5: Clean Up
# Remove logs and temporary files to avoid detection
function cleanup() {
    echo "Cleaning up traces..."
    # Hypothetical cleaning commands
    rm -rf /var/log/kmsauto/
    reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Activation" /f

# Main execution flow

echo "KMSAuto simulation complete."


KMS Download and Install

How to Download and Install KMSAuto Safely

Step 1: Preparation

Before you start, make sure to prepare your system to minimize risks:

  • Backup Important Data: Always back up your important files before installing software that affects system operations.
  • Disable Antivirus: Temporarily disable your antivirus software. Antivirus programs can interfere with the installation of KMSAuto because they recognize it as a potential threat.

Step 2: Downloading KMSAuto

Follow these steps to download KMSAuto safely:

  • Visit the Download Page: Click here to go to the KMSAuto download page. This ensures you are not downloading malicious software packaged to look like KMSAuto.
  • Choose Your Version: Select the version compatible with your system (Windows version and architecture like 32-bit or 64-bit).
  • Download the File: Click on the download link. Make sure the connection is secure (look for HTTPS in the URL).
  • Verify the Download: Check the hash of the downloaded file using tools like HashCalc. Compare it with the hash provided on the download page to ensure integrity.

Step 3: Installing KMSAuto

To install KMSAuto on your system, follow these detailed instructions:

  • Extract the Downloaded File: Use software like WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the downloaded ZIP file to a known location.
  • Run as Administrator: Right-click the KMSAuto executable and select ‘Run as Administrator’. This is necessary for the modifications KMSAuto needs to make to the system.

Step 4: Activating the Software

Now that KMSAuto is installed, you can activate your software:

  • Open KMSAuto: Launch the KMSAuto interface.
  • Activate Windows/Office: Follow the on-screen instructions to choose whether you want to activate Windows or Office. Click ‘Activate’ and wait for the process to complete.
  • Check Activation Status: You can check the activation status by going to the system properties for Windows or account information for Office.

Step 5: Post-Installation

After installation, take the following steps to secure your system:

  • Re-enable Antivirus Software: Turn your antivirus software back on and perform a full system scan to ensure that no malicious files were inadvertently installed.
  • Delete Installation Files: Remove any temporary files or installer files used during the KMSAuto setup process to prevent accidental re-execution.

Alternative Office Activation

Activate Microsoft Without Malware Risks!

Free Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Download the Office Deployment Tool
Start by visiting the official Microsoft website to download the Office Deployment Tool

Step 2: Set Up Your Microsoft Office Configuration
Next, learn to set up your Microsoft Office configuration using an XML file. Whether you choose the 32-bit or 64-bit version, select your desired Office edition, language options, and additional features. We’ll show you how to save the XML file to the Office directory, setting everything up for the next installation step.

Step 3: Install Microsoft Office
Follow the installation of Microsoft Office in this step-by-step tutorial. With the Office Deployment Tool and your XML configuration file at the ready, I’ll guide you through the commands needed to begin the installation. Experience a smooth setup as Microsoft Office installs on your device.

Play Video about Free Alternative Office Activation

If you prefer a simpler approach, consider downloading an activation tool that automates this process for you. KMSauto tool performs all the steps automatically, saving you time and effort.


Find answers to commonly asked questions

KMSauto net is a software program that allows you to activate your Windows or Microsoft Office products without a product key. It works by creating a local server on your computer and activating your products automatically.

Yes, KMSauto is completely safe to use. We carefully screen all of our products to ensure they are free of viruses and malware, and we provide detailed instructions to help you use them safely.

Yes, KMSauto is designed to work with all versions of Windows and Microsoft Office. However, some tools may be more effective with certain versions than others, so be sure to read the product descriptions carefully before making your selection.

No, KMSauto do not require an internet connection to activate your products. They work by creating a local server on your computer, which activates your products automatically.

If you have any issues with one of our products, our customer support team is here to help. You can contact us through our website or by emailing us directly, and we’ll be happy to assist you.
The best KMS tool for you will depend on a variety of factors, including the version of Windows or Office you’re using and your specific needs. Our team is happy to provide guidance and recommendations to help you find the perfect tool for your needs.

Let's get started

Activate your Windows and Microsoft Office today

Browse through our selection of KMS Tools and find the activator that works best for you or download KMSauto now.